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Sat, Apr 10 2021 11:12 PM
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Regular meeting of the Human Resources Network was held at Parwan University.


Before noon of today, Sunday April 10, 2021, sessions of the Human Resources Network were held at Parwan University in the presence of Mr. Mohammad Homayoun Rasooli, President of the. . .

Sat, Apr 10 2021 10:54 PM
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A new performance evaluation method workshop was introduced to Parwan University employees.

Today April 10, 2021 a workshop was introduced to introduce a new performance evaluation method.

 A one-day workshop introducing the new evaluation and performance worksheet was held. . .

Thu, Apr 01 2021 11:10 AM
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New initiative from students of the Faculty of Education - Parwan University

The initiative of the student of the Faculty of Education is commendable! Hezbollah is a third-year student in the Physics Department of the Parwan University School of Education. And. . .

Mon, Mar 29 2021 10:52 PM
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The book " جمهوری و دشمنان آن " by Dr. Omar Sadr was reviewed at Parwan University.

The book " جمهوری و دشمنان آن " by Dr. Omar Sadr was reviewed at Parwan University.


Before noon today, Monday, the 29th, March, 2021 books under the title (جمهوری و دشمنان آن) were. . .

Mon, Mar 29 2021 9:58 PM
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Student associations of the Faculty of Social Sciences held a party on the day of the peasant day

A little late but glorious!

Today, Monday, the 29th of March, 2021, Student associations of the Faculty of Social Sciences held a party on the day of the peasant day, the seedling. . .

Thu, Mar 04 2021 12:34 AM
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آزمون کانکور برای جذب آموزگارِان چهارده پاس به دوره لیسانس در دانشگاه پروان برگزار شد- 13حوت1399

آزمون کانکور برای جذب آموزگارِان چهارده پاس به دوره لیسانس در دانشگاه پروان برگزار شد.

این آزمون بر بنیاد فرمانِ رئیس جمهوری کشوروطرح ارسالی وزارت محترم تحصیلات عالی در خصوص جذب شمولیت. . .

Thu, Mar 04 2021 12:13 AM
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جلسه سالانه رهبری با استادان دانشگاه دایر شد مورخ 13-12-1399

جلسه سالانه رهبری با استادان دانشگاه دایر شد!

بعد از ظهر امروز چهار شنبه ۱۳ حوت جلسه عمومی با استادان دانشگاه برگزار گردید.

این جلسه به هدف آمادگی های لازم برای آغاز دروس سمستر بهاری. . .
